Pricing and rates are fundamentally based on the time needed to complete assignments. On site and on location work typically represents half of the time needed to produce visuals, so an hour shoot at a location will typically require an hours editing and uploading back in the office. Travel in Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire is usually covered by my pricing. Multiple location visits and areas outside of this will incur further travel expenses charged at a standard rate.
Photographs are shared with clients after a shoot using private image galleries or file sharing software. Private image galleries allow you, and third parties with the access details, to access and download your images at full resolution and resized resolutions direct from my gallery as fits your end use. I always recommend making copies of your full resolution files and the gallery is usually open for 6 months for downloads.
Headshot Photography and Business Portraits:
These sessions often include headshots against studio style backgrounds and business portraits in the work environment. I utilise portable lighting to correct normally unflattering office lighting and normally sessions include set-up, shoot, pack down and then subsequent editing and upload. Post production of images and upload is usually equal to the amount of time spent on site. Generally the number of people being photographed and the number of photographs required of them dictates the time needed for the shoot but for individuals and pairs usually an hour is sufficient, 2-15 people a half day shoot and 15+ usually a full day session. Please note these prices are a guide only.
HOUR SHOOT- £120 HALF DAY - £300 FULL DAY - £500
Marketing Visuals
Marketing Visuals include a wide gamut of photographic work from creating stock images for companies, press release to editorial images and event coverage. I strongly recommend getting in touch to discuss your requirements but please use the following prices as a guide and read the general information at the top of this page. Please note these prices are a guide only.
HOUR SHOOT - £120 HALF DAY - £300 FULL DAY - £450
Property Photography
I strongly advise getting in touch for a tailored quote depending on your requirements as normally interiors require more time to produce. The following quotes are based on including high quality interior images which are post production heavy. If your requirements are only exteriors please get in touch for pricing.
Please note these prices are a guide only.
HOUR SHOOT - £150 HALF DAY - £350 FULL DAY - £600